Episode 23 – The Hybrid Workplace Challenge

Episode 23 – The Hybrid Workplace Challenge

Sandi and Jen discuss the opportunities and issues of coming back to work after the pandemic. They talk about the opportunity to remake and restart the workplace culture, that we are never going back to the same workplace, that work and home have collided, that short an long term decisions need to happen as a manager and how are you standing in the company values as you reshape the workplace. 

Episode 22 – Diversity Equity and Inclusion Revisited

Episode 22 – Diversity Equity and Inclusion Revisited

Sandi and Jen speak with expert Renee Bazile-Jones about Diversity Equity and Inclusion in the workplace.  They describe what DE&I is, how is it being done, what is currently right and what is wrong. They discuss leadership and DE&I and unconscious bias. Renee discusses data for good DE&I. She also relays an example about good DE&I practices. They also discuss the uncomfortable conversations about understanding this issue with leaders and managers.